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品牌 认证验厂咨询服务
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更新 2019-10-30 18:18



FOOTSTAR 验厂文件审核清单

1. 事故记录薄

2. 化学品清单

3. 有关的当地法律和规定文本

4. 纪律处分日记簿

5. 环保年检记录

6. 当地社会保险局的宽免声明

7. 工厂规则

8. 消防演习记录

9. 火灾撤离程序与示意图

10. 消防设施检查记录

11. 消防设施安装检查证

12. 危险化学品处理规程

13. 危险化学品储藏室记录

14. 从事危险化学品工作的工人清单

15. 健康和安全管理制度

16. 工作时间纪录

17. 个人的劳动合同

18. 机器保养记录

19. 机器操作规程

20. 物料资料数据安全表

Footstar验厂流程 ——Footstar突击验厂



2—查看工厂硬件设备,即制造加工线和工厂设施 (包括仓库, 车间, 食堂, 如工厂有其它设施如宿舍, 医疗室等也要看)




Unannounced Factory Audit consists of 5parts 突击验厂包含以下5道流程:

1. Opening Meeting- Auditor will explain the intention of visit and the audit process.    开始会议,也即管理层访问-审验员解释验厂目的及验厂程序  

2. Factory tour - General Walkthrough of the factory and dorms(if applicable)    工厂走览- 对于厂区及宿舍等进行一般性走查  

3. Employee interviews - Confidential, conducted one-to-one of in small groups.    雇员面谈- 秘密的, 一对一或分小组进行面谈  

4. Factory management interview- Review hiring process, factory rules, work schedu   les, and other procedures used by factory management. Also include  Country of origin review- Review production records and shipping records.

工厂管理层面谈及工厂文件检查—评估雇佣程序,工厂规章制度,工作计划以及工厂管    理的其它文件和程序。其中还包括原产国审验—检查制造加工记录和运输记录. 5. Closing meeting- Review any findings found during the audit with factory management. This includes details how to correct the issue(s) and discuss CAP finish date. The audit recap must be signed by both the auditor and factory management and a copy need be left with the factory.

结束会议-与工厂管理层评论审核期间发现的问题. 包括详细的如何改正发现的问题以及协议改正日期. 然后一份"验厂概要"需要验厂员和工厂管理人员共同签署, 且留一份拷贝于工厂.


1. Mandatory   强制性的

2. Unannounced 突击性的  

No notification is given to weither the vendor or factory in advance of the compliance audit. This allows us to see the factory on a typical day.不事先通知-无论是供应商还是工厂在验厂前都不会得到事先通知. 这样可以在一个具有代表性一天来了解工厂。


1.Initial Audit: 首轮验厂

2.Follow up audit 复审


一、Most common issues found in a factory during a compliance audit  


1. Fire Safety, Exits and Equipment 消防安全, 紧急出口及设备

2. First Aid equipment not properly supplied 未合理提供急救设备

3. Missing or incomplete personnel records 缺少或不完整的人事记录

4. Payroll and time keeping system not being properly used 未合理使用工资帐及工时记录系统

5. Lack of proper Country of Origin documentation-records must be maintained for 5 years per U.S. Customs and Border Protection

缺少合理的原产国记录档案-根据美国海关与边防局, 记录档案需保存56. Wages-regular and overtime not being properly paid 工资-未合理支付正常工资以及加班工资

二、发现下面行为一般视为严重违犯, 会导致严重处罚,如取消订单等

1. Child Labor 使用童工                    

2. Forced Labor 强迫劳动力

3. Corporal Punishment 体罚                

4. Illegal Transshipment 非法转运

5. Two denied audit  一次或两次拒绝验厂    

三、Compliance factory audit will assess financial penalties for the following


1. Denied Audits-Auditor arrives to the factory and is declinded access to conduct a factory audit. 拒绝验厂-验厂员到达工厂但被拒绝进入工厂执行验厂

2. Inaccurate Audits-The factory name/address information is not correct or up-to-date in BPM 不准确信息-工厂名称/地址等信息不准确或未及时更新

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