Mobitec 酵母,细菌培养基

单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 193
发货 北京付款后3天内
品牌 德国mobitec
过期 长期有效
更新 2018-11-20 00:42


  • 北京
  • 上次登录 2019-02-27
  • 张钰 (女士)  

始于1994年的毕特博生物(毕龙转基因http://www.bilong.com是中国大陆第一家德国mobitec 代理商。





Our media formulations are supplied as ready-to-autoclave powder mixtures. Most of them come in small bags with the appropriate amount of powder for 0.5 liter medium. You only add water and autoclave for use.
Grow''''n''''Glow yeast media are optimized for two- and one-hybrid studies and strongly recommended for our Grow''''n''''Glow Systems to achieve best results. We offer a complete standard Wickerham yeast nitrogen base with carbon source optimized for S. cerevisiae that can be added to water and autoclaved without the need to make concentrated solutions of vitamins, trace elements, salts, or carbon sources. This powder drop out base formulation is called DOB Medium, or DOBA with agar. A complete supplemented synthetic defined medium is easily made by mixing two powders, DOB (or DOBA) and CSM (Complete Supplement Mixture).

Grow''''n''''Glow Yeast Media:

YPD: 20 g peptone, 10 g yeast extract, 20 g glucose per liter, pH 6.5 at 30°C (rich medium)
YPD Agar: YPD with 17 g agar per liter
DOB (glu): 26.7 g/liter (1.7 g YNB, 5 g ammonium sulphate, 20 g glucose)
DOBA (glu): DOB (glu) with 17 g agar per liter
DOB (2% gal/1% raf): 36.7 g/liter (1.7 g YNB, 5 g ammonium sulphate, 20 g galactose, 10 g raffinose)
DOBA (2% gal/1% raf): DOB (gal/raf) with 17 g agar per liter

CSM - Complete Supplement Mixture
The formulation of CSM is a dropout supplement for virtually all strains of S.cerevisiae containing different combinations of amino acids, adenine and uracil. Cells grow vigorously in DOB or DOBA supplemented with CSM.

For use with our Grow''''n''''Glow Systems we offer:***
CSM -HIS -LEU -TRP -URA supplement
CSM -HIS -TRP -URA supplement
CSM -HIS -URA supplement
CSM -HIS -LEU supplement
CSM -HIS supplement
CSM -TRP -URA supplement
CSM -URA supplement

SD - Synthetic Defined Yeast Media
Synthetic defined yeast media includes all necessary compounds for selective growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We offer synthetic defined broth (SD) suitable for our y2h membrane protein system.
SD = DOB + Appropriate CSM

Grow''''n''''Glow Bacterial Media:

LB Medium: 10 g tryptone, 5 g yeast extract, 10 g NaCl per liter
LB Agar: LB medium with 15 g agar per liter
10 bags YPD broth! Ready-to-use with 25 g YPD for 0.5 l medium

DOB = Drop Out Base (
DOBA = Drop Out Base with Agar
"-URA" signifies: medium lacks uracil
"-TRP" signifies: medium lacks tryptophan
"-LEU" signifies: medium lacks leucine
"-HIS" signifies: medium lacks histidine

order# description amount
Bags for 0.5 liter medium each
4001-1 YPD broth bags
(with 25 g for 0.5 liter medium each)
10 bags
4001-6 YPD broth bags 10 x 10 bags
4001-2 YPD agar bags
(with 33.5 g for 0.5 liter medium each)
10 bags
4001-7 YPD agar bags 10 x 10 bags
4025-1 DOB*glucose bags
(with 13.4 g for 0.5 liter medium each)
10 bags
4025-6 DOB*glucose bags 10 x 10 bags
4026-1 DOBA**glucose bags
(with 21.9 g for 0.5 liter medium each)
10 bags
4026-6 DOBA**glucose bags 10 x 10 bags
3002-1 LB medium bags
(with 12.5 g for 0.5 liter medium each)
10 bags
3002-6 LB medium bags 10 x 10 bags
3002-2 LB agar bags
(with 20 g for 0.5 liter medium each)
10 bags
LB agar bags 10 x 10 bags
4025-2 DOB*2%galactose/1%raffinose 0.5 lb (227 g)
4025-7 DOB*2%galactose/1%raffinose 2.2 lb (1 kg)
4026-2 DOBA**2%galactose/1%raffinose 0.5 lb (227 g)
4026-7 DOBA**2%galactose/1%raffinose 2.2 lb (1 kg)
4540-0 CSM -HIS -LEU -TRP -URA supplement 10 g
4530-8 CSM -HIS -TRP -URA supplement 10 g
4520-3 CSM -HIS -URA supplement 10 g
4520-4 CSM -HIS -LEU supplement 10 g
4510-3 CSM -HIS supplement 10 g
4520-5 CSM -TRP -URA supplement 10 g
4511-2 CSM -URA supplement 10 g
SD - Synthetic Defined Yeast Media
4811-6 SD-LEU
1 bag for 0.5 l medium each
10 bags
4823-6 SD-LEU-TRP
1 bag for 0.5 l medium each
10 bags
1 bag for 0.5 l medium each
10 bags
1 bag for 0.5 l medium each
10 bags

shipped at RT; store at RT



电话:400-833-9299 13366202681






始于1994年的毕特博生物(毕龙转基因http://www.bilong.com是中国大陆第一家德国mobitec 代理商。

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