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麻绳、拔河绳、蜡绳(棉、麻、锦纶、涤纶)、韩国绒皮绳(超纤,双面绒)、PU编织绳、手提绳啤咀绳、服装吊粒、弹力绳、松紧带、牛皮绳、丝带、雪纱带。特殊线、绳、带 大批人力加工:中国结流苏(吊穗)、手链、编织、饰品加工、绳带裁切

  • 联系人:李小姐
  • 电话:0755-89689520
  • 邮件:oscarsd@163.com
  • QQ:632288512
  • 暂未上传
  • 暂无链接
公司名称 深圳市奥斯卡绳带纺织有限公司
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 企业单位 (制造商,贸易商,服务商)
所 在 地 广东/深圳市
公司规模 50-99人
注册资本 100万人民币
注册年份 2000
经营模式 制造商,贸易商,服务商
经营范围 麻绳、拔河绳、蜡绳(棉、麻、锦纶、涤纶)、韩国绒皮绳(超纤,双面绒)、PU编织绳、手提绳啤咀绳、服装吊粒、弹力绳、松紧带、牛皮绳、丝带、雪纱带。特殊线、绳、带 大批人力加工:中国结流苏(吊穗)、手链、编织、饰品加工、绳带裁切
销售的产品 麻绳、拔河绳、蜡绳(棉、麻、锦纶、涤纶)、韩国绒皮绳(超纤,双面绒)、PU编织绳、手提绳啤咀绳、服装吊粒、弹力绳、松紧带、牛皮绳、丝带、雪纱带。特殊线、绳、带 大批人力加工:中国结流苏(吊穗)、手链、编织、饰品加工、绳带裁切
主营行业 服装家纺 / 原料     服装家纺 / 服饰     服装家纺 / 辅料    
深圳奥斯卡绳带纺织有限公司成立于2000年8月。为客户提供各类线绳带辅料织造定做。是一家面向全球设计,开发,制造加工,染整,销售,服务,为一体的线绳带工厂。设立奥斯卡绳带自有品牌。公司地址位于广东省深圳市龙岗区平湖华南城T01栋117号和T07栋107号。联系电话:0086-0755-89689520-13480842284。直至2016年,本厂和阿里巴巴网站合作诚信通会员已第七个年头。是国内品种齐全的线绳带知名制造厂商,我们的客户遍布全球各地,以良好的口啤和优质的服务赢得国内外客户的信任。在香港、台湾、澳门都形成了持续稳定的销售网络。我厂拥有多种进口织线织绳织带机械,工厂占地面积1000平方,丰富的行业经验,先进的技术设备,手工制作DIY同仁100人以上。选料注重绿色低碳环保。 我们坚持以“专业专注;卓越品质;用心服务”为宗旨,贯彻执行以“品质就是生命”的企业精神,树立良好的企业道德品格,在激烈的市场竞争里有自己的定位和核心优势。我厂为一般纳税人企业,可提供17%增值税**,您给我们一分诚心,还您十分放心!
制衣厂、服装厂、针织厂、鞋帽厂、纸品厂、玩具厂、手袋厂、工艺饰品厂、皮具厂、印刷厂、塑料五金厂、电子厂、户外运动器材厂、 食品厂、酿酒厂、玻璃厂、装修公司……
Shenzhen Oscar rope Textile Co. Ltd.
Shenzhen Oscar rope Textile Co., Ltd. was established in August 2000. To provide all kinds of cord with custom accessories weaving. Is a globally oriented design, development, production, dyeing and finishing, sales, service, one of the cord belt factory. Establishment of Oscar rope own brand. Company address is located in Guangdong Province Shenzhen City Longgang District Pinghu City T01 Building No. 117 and T07 Building No. 107. Telephone: 0086-0755-89689520-13480842284. until 2016, factory and Alibaba good faith cooperation through membership for seven years. Is domestic varieties Cord with well-known manufacturers, our customers all over the world, with a good beer and quality service to win the trust of customers at home and abroad. In Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, have formed the sustained and stable sales network. Our factory has a variety of imported woven wire rope ribbon weaving machines, the factory covers an area of 1000 square, a wealth of industry experience, advanced technology and equipment, handmade DIY colleagues more than 100 people. Materials focus on green and low carbon and environmental protection. We adhere to the "professional focus, quality excellence, intentions services" for the purpose, the implementation of "quality is life" spirit of enterprise, set up the good enterprise morals character in Fierce market competition has its own positioning and core strengths. I plant for the general taxpayer enterprises can provide 17% value-added tax invoices, you give us a point of sincerity, but also you are very assured!
 Production and operation of Oscar rope factory:
Cashmere leather cord, microfiber leather, PU round flat braided leather cord, leather cord sewn, real cow leather cord; lanyard tag hanging tablets; combed cotton rope belt; SM tied rope, tied rope, rope adult products; cotton wax wax rope belt, hemp rope wax, wax cotton rope, nylon rope wax, wax cord Thailand, American waxed thread, Korea wax rope; rope, weaving hemp, safety rope, hemp rope, twine crafts; belt; hand rope, beer Tsui rope, rope handle bags; three-ply rope, nylon rope (nylon cord), Taiwan Liz brand jade line; ribbons, rib, snow Shadai; polyester rope, Korean silk, Chinese knot rope; synthetic rope ; propylene to PP rope; Zimu, secondary color rope; cord, elastic rope, baggage rope; pet rope; gold and silver rope, cord embroidery, the Christmas holiday with a rope, phone cord, cell phone charger line; manual tassel, handmade Chinese knot, hand-ball plush, handmade bows, handmade roses, hand-wear beads beading, hand-woven knots crafts, all kinds DIY handmade jewelry products.
 The distribution of the customer base Oscar ropeGarment factory, garment factory, knitting factory, shoes factory, paper products factory, toy factory, handbag factory, craft jewelry factory, leather factory, printing factory, plastic hardware factory, electronics factory, outdoor sports equipment factory, food factory, breweries, glass factory, decoration companies.
 Shenzhen Oscar rope Textile Co., Ltd., all of the cord with a product can be customized according to requirements, thick line size dimensions, length, width, color and shape, mixed batch mix, customers have the final say. Processing, beer Tsui, plastic buckle, metal buckle, drilling, and so on. Most of products are in stock supplies, specific please contact customer service to ///confirm/i/i/i. We would like to with a positive and sincere attitude of service to every old and new customers. We believe, diversified and high-quality products, reasonable price, accurate delivery, dedicated service will your company to create higher benefits. Welcome customers and friends from all walks of life to visit!

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